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Showing posts from February, 2016

Being a Friend of God

Hi Everyone, My Devotional this morning was talking about how Abraham was called a friend of God. We all want friends and to be called a friend in Life that is important to us and it is a good thing. But being a Friend of God should be the most important thing to us. Abraham's Faith in God was so Great that he was called a friend of God. Which caused great trust in God's plans for him and he believed God knew best. We should want the same thing in our lives but how much time do we spend building our relationship with God? Do we spend more time connecting with Friends on the internet then we do with God? I'll be honest in the past I have done that. But I'm trying more everyday to spend time with God First. so that my faith will be strong like Abraham's. I hope you want the same thing so that we can all be called a Friend of God. And remember Jesus Loves you and so do I. Until next time God Bless,     Hannah

Are We Growing in Faith?

Hi all, today's post is about growing in faith my devotional book this morning was talking about growing in faith with God. often times we have a foundation in faith but nothing else, No works to show our faith and help us grow spiritually. We need to study God's word to add to our Bible Knowledge and pray everyday to build our relationship with God. Prayer doesn't always give us what we want but helps us become the people we should be. The value in prayer isn't in what it gives us but what it makes us. It isn't what it gives us but it's a splendid way of growing. Growing in Faith is Important to our Christian walk so that we don't become Lazy in our Christian Lives. So lets do what we need to do to grow in Faith. 1.Pray Everyday. 2. read the Bible. and good works to show our Faith in God to others. And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge. 2 Peter 1:5. And Remember Jesus Loves you and so do I. Until next

Be Kind

Hi all,  I decided to write another post today. I was reading my devotion book again this morning and the story was about Kindness. We need to be kind to everyone those who are kind to us and most of all those who are not that is hard to do but it's what God wants us to do and be because he is kind and Loves those that hate him. Galatians 5:22-23 says- But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. One of the most important things in life is to be Kind. So lets enrich people with Kindness everyday. Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God. Philippians 1:11. And remember Jesus Loves you and so do I. Until next time God Bless,                                                                                                                Hannah

Life is like a Puzzle

Hey Guys,  So this week has been busy already and this has been the first day this week that I could sit down and write to you all.  Today I was reading my devotional book and the story in it was about a couple putting together a jigsaw puzzle. It said that life is like a jigsaw puzzle and that is so true sometimes the pieces don't fit and we may not understand why but God will make them fit how he wants and in his time. We Just have to trust him and not try to make it fit or work on our own. He knows what's best for us and he wants to help us so that in the end our Puzzle will be complete and we will be a Beautiful Picture! The whole picture is the most important part. He wants us to Praise him and he wants to help us through the rough waters of life. Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. And Remember Jesus Loves you and so do I. Until next time God Bless,                       

What's "Your Isaac"?

Hi Everyone,  First of all I'm sorry it's been 5 days since I last posted I'll be honest I didn't have anything to write about.  So today (Sunday) my Preacher was preaching about Abraham and Isaac and how Abraham trusted God the whole time He was going up to Sacrifice Isaac. And how all along on the other side of the mountain God's answer to their prayer was coming up behind them. He said we have to trust God even when we don't see the answer to our prayers. Then a song was sung that the Chorus says: When I lay my Isaac down with a broken heart but my Father's proud and on the alter here he lays just to find it wasn't him God wanted me. So God wants us not our Isaac but we have to get "Our Isaac" out of God's way so that he can speak to us and work in us. What's "your Isaac"? now I'm not asking you to tell me because that's between you and God. I just want you to think about it. But I will pray for each of you. Genes

Peace in the Storm

Hi All,  First, I'm sorry it's been a few days since I posted a blog with the snow here I've been kind of Lazy. Today's Post was inspired by my Mom, she was saying yesterday that we have Peace in the Storm. with the snow on the ground she made the point of maybe God sends it to slow us down sometimes and think about the peace He gives. God doesn't just send weather maybe He allows us to go through Trials to really know His Peace. Those who aren't saved can't know God's peace but maybe He sends a circumstance into their lives to stop them and make them realize that they need Him. Whatever that may be. When we get saved God puts His Peace in us and around us. There is a song Called When Jesus Speaks Peace, and the Chorus says:" When Jesus speaks peace the raging storm must die new Hope becomes new Life when He whispers everything the will be alright when He speaks peace the dark night slips away like the breaking of the day when Jesus speaks Peace.&

Valentine's Day with the Boyfriend

Hi everyone,   Today's post is about celebrating Valentine's Day with my Boyfriend Robbie. We went to Ruby Tuesday's with my Parents and His Mom also my Aunt and Uncle went. and we gave each other gifts I gave him a Tee Shirt, and some Candy. and He gave me some Beautiful Pink and White Roses, a little stuffed Doggy that makes music, a figurine with Hearts and a little bear on top it also changes colors. A Pretty Pink Bracelet, and a cookie tin and a Big Card with owls on it. we also gave his mom a gift too. It was a great time, Hard to Believe we've been together 4 years and the end of this year will be 5. Time sure does fly. Anyway No verse for this post, but I hope all of you have a Happy Valentine's Day. And Remember Jesus Loves you and so do I. His Love is the greatest we can ever have. Until next time God Bless,                     Hannah

I Love Owls

Hi everyone,    Today I thought I would share just a fun post about my Owl Collection. I Love Owls and I have about 22 different owl things in my Collection. my favorites are the 2 door hangers on says a saying and the other has a Bible verse. I also Love my two key chains one is gold and green which my boyfriend gave me <3 the other one is silver and multi colored my parents gave me that one. I also have one that I painted it's pink, blue and yellow. I have one that's from Holden Beach that my cousins gave me it's pink, blue, green and has yellow flowers it also has it's eyes covered. I have another one from my grandparents that's an ornament it has really big eyes. I also have jewelry, clothes and bedding. So as you can see I'm a little obsessed (ok maybe a lot lol!). I actually do have a verse for this post believe it or not. The eyes of the Lord watch over you. Proverbs 22:12. So just like owls eyes are always watching what's around them the Lords ey

Are We Praising God Enough?

Hi Everyone,     First of all I want to thank you all for reading my blog and coming along with me on this journey. Today's post is asking all of us a question are we praising God enough? When I say that I'm talking to myself first! Now I Know that we can Praise God more and more everyday and Never praise Him enough because we are in our Human Flesh. But are we Praising Him at all? or if we are do we really mean it? I was reading in my Daily Devotions today and it was about Praising God. It gave many different verses I thought I would share a few. I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth. Psalm 34:1. That means we Must praise Him in the Good Times the Bad Times and the Truly Ugly times. Which is very hard to do times. Rejoice in the Lord, O ye Righteous: for praise is comely for the upright. Psalm 33:1. So Praising God is right and Beautiful to God from those who Love him. I don't know about you but I want to do better at praising Hi

Waiting on God

Hey Everyone,     Today's post is from my Daily Devotions it's about waiting on God. I don't know about you but I think that's hard to do sometimes because we want our answers to prayer on our time not His But, His ways and time are always best. We Should hold fast to the Precious Promsies in God's Word such as Isaiah 40:31-They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint. Sometimes we also may think God's Plan for our life is not what we plan or want but in time we realize that His ways are not our ways and His thoughts not our thoughts. here's another verse I'd like to share-On thee do I wait all the day-Psalm 25:5. This is a good verse to learn to live by to wait on God in prayer listening for Him to tell us His will. When we follow His Plan and will for our lives we will be Truly Happy. And remember Jesus Loves you and so do I. Until next t

Valentine's Day Craft-Heart Wreath

Hi Everyone, *   Just a quick note before I begin today's post- I've decided to post everyday that I can some days I may be to busy to post but I'll try my best cause I really want to keep posting this time and not quit like I did 2 years ago. Now for today's post, Today I'm going to tell you about the fun craft my mom and I made a couple weeks ago. We made this really cute Heart Wreath out of paper all you do is cut 12, 2x11 inch strips of Scrapbook paper. It says to use double sided tape but we learned that doesn't work at all it's best to use staples. you will also need some ribbon. Fold the strips of paper in half and join the edges of each strip together making a heart shape and staple them together after you make all the hearts staple them together in an oval shape. Then cut your ribbon to desired length and thread it between two hearts and tie the end in a knot. it's really cute! also I wish I could post a picture of the one we made but my blog

I'm Back!

Hi Everyone,    It's been about 2 years since I've done a blog I quit at the end of 2013 because I had got to where I was just so busy and lets be honest not motivated to do it. But I've been wanting to get back on here so here I am. I'm going to share things that I do in life and how God helps me through it all even though I have Cerebral Palsy. So first of all for those who may read this and not know what Cerebral Palsy is it's a condition that happens when at birth your brain bleeds and I had a grade 4 bleed which is the worst you can have but it stopped on it's own Praise God! Doctors told my parents I shouldn't be able to do anything for myself but God saw differently. I do most all things for myself there is very little that I can't do. And that's all thanks to Him. Yes I walk with a Walker everyday of my life but I could be in a wheelchair everyday and I only have to use that when shopping. Here's another fact about me when I was born I