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Showing posts from 2021

Why I haven't written a blog since January

Hi, everyone I Just wanted to give you all and update on why I haven't posted a blog in a long time. I have wanted to post several blogs this year but my computer decided to not run blogger anymore plus many other things so I got a new computer. Also I couldn't decide what to write about I would think of something and then I would be like No and my computer wouldn't work anyway. I would really love to write more the rest of this year maybe add some pictures or video to the blog we will see how it goes. So until then you can read the other blogs I have written. thanks for reading. And remember Jesus Loves you and so do I. Until next time God Bless, Hannah

Don't Compare yourself-You are Fearfully and Wonderfully made

Hi Everyone, Happy New year 2020 was not the year anyone expected and I didn't want to write any blog post for a long time my hope is to write more this year. I hope 2021 is better for everyone. Today's verse is Psalm 139:14-I will praise thee;for I am fearfuly and wonderfully made:marvellous are thy works;and that my soul knoweth right well. I started a new devotions book that I got for Christmas. We as Humans (and especially women)tend to compare ourselves to other people what they have or how they look but there is no need in doing that because your self-esteem is not derived from how you preform at your job or what nice things you may have or even how your body looks. your self-worth comes from the One who created you and He's already shown what He thinks of us because He died for us. So this year let's try to not compare ourselves to others because the only one who's opinion(about your self) really matters is Jesus. and remember that Jesus loves you and so d