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Showing posts from May, 2019

Is God Calling You?

Hi Everyone,   I was just looking at this blog I can't believe it was May 2018 when I last  posted and here we are and it's almost June 2019 whoa! where is the year going. After that last post life got kind of crazy with my Grandmother getting sick and passing away a few months later in July but Praise the Lord she's all better in heaven and I will see her again someday! Now to what this post is about, is God calling you to do something for Him? if so and you don't know what His will is for your life pray and ask Him and read His word He will tell you. Maybe you do know what He wants you to do but your afraid thinking God I can't do that what if I mess up or I say the wrong thing. I Love this quote "when you know God wants you to do something and you are afraid to do it  -Do it Afraid! Here is a great verse to go along with this. Isaiah 41:10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; ye