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Showing posts from 2018

Let's be Shining Stars

Hello Everyone,  I hope everyone is well and having a good start to the summer months. It sure has gotten Hot fast around here. The Inspiration for this post comes from my devotions this morning it talked about the "Shining Stars" in our lives and No that's not the people we see on tv or in the movies but Teachers, or just a sweet neighbor, or maybe our Preachers and Pastors, and our Sunday School teachers. The verse is Daniel 12:3-And they that be wise shall shine as the Brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. and I thought wow I want to be a" Shining Star" not just being kind and helping someone but like in the stories it told showing Jesus while doing their job or just what they are called by God to do even though it might be something in everyday life. I hope by God's Grace and Help that I will be a Shining Star for Him. I hope you want the same for your life. And remember Jesus loves you and

Thank You

Hi Everyone,                    I hope everyone is doing well, just looking at my blog and it was August 2017 the last time I wrote Woah! Anyway the last couple of days I’ve been thinking about this blog post. In the last couple of weeks we have lost some great men of God and I just wanted a way to pay tribute to them and all the men of God who stand to preach the truth of the word of God week in and week out so here it goes.      “Thank you “       Thank you for all that you do        For loving us even though you don’t have to.         For being un afraid to preach the Truth         No matter what others may say or think of you.          I know your job is not easy so I want to say Thank           You for all that you do each and every day!. This is for those men and all the others and it’s for my Pastor and our Youth Pastor at church. I hope you read this and thank of them and your Pastor too. And remember Jesus Loves you and so do I. Until next time God Bless,