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Showing posts from May, 2017

Even though you can't see him God is there

Hi all,  Last night my Pastor preached about how even though we can't see God he is there and that just because we can't see Him that doesn't mean that he's not real, that we can't know him, that he doesn't care, and that he's not Faithful. He Is All Those Things! and I want all of you to know that no matter what your going through He cares for you and He is Faithful. In his word it says God is Faithful and it also says cast all your cares on him for he cares for you. Even when you feel like He's a million miles away from you he's right there and wants to talk to you. He already knows so we might as well tell him him about our cares. Cause " through it all we can learn to trust him" and  remember Jesus loves you and so do I. Until next time God bless,                                                       Hannah

What I've been up to (gonna be a busy summer.)

Hi Everyone,   I know it was January when I last wrote when we had the one snow we got here this year and here it is nearing the end of may and I haven't kept up with the blog yet again. So I'm here to write another post finally. I have decide to give the blog a different look since it's been a while, so what's been going on with me? well, I've been doing a lot with church, back in April we had our Easter play, straight into a week long revival and then Easter and we've had choir singings in between all that and we are still busy but that is Summer time for you. And I'm finishing up horseback for now until fall classes start we have one more class next week. Dance recital is coming up soon! ahhhh Nervous! also have about 4 weddings to go to this summer two of which I'm in. So it's going to be a fun but very busy Summer.  What are you all up to this Summer?  and remember Jesus Loves you and so do I. Until next time God Bless,