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Showing posts from January, 2017

Snow Days

Hello Everyone,  I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and A Happy New Year, I was looking at my blog and realized that I hadn't written since Sept. of last year wow I did not write as much as I wanted to last year because I got so busy and lets be honest Life Happens. So for my first post of 2017, It Snowed here and for most of the East Coast, we got about 5in. of snow here where I live but the wind has really pushed it around so in places it looks like less and others look like more lol. I'll be honest I don't really love snow or a whole lot of it at one time anyway but it is beautiful and God sends what we need when we need it he knows what's best. Just as the snow is white Jesus will wash us whiter then snow. "Whiter then Snow Lord wash me just now as in thy presence humbly I bow." And remember Jesus Loves you and so do I. Until next time God Bless,                                                                                    Hannah,