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Showing posts from March, 2016

"Fear Not"

Hi all, I Hope you all had a wonderful Easter. I did,  Today's Post is about Fear. Fear can Undermine our best intentions to serve God But as Paul told Timothy we have to reject those fearful thoughts because they are Not from God. The Lord provides all we need to do His will the Holy Spirit gives us the power to be Christ's witnesses and he fills us with love for others. He moves us past worry to clear thinking and confident obedience. God doesn't make us timid; He makes us victorious. Did you know that the bible says Fear Not 365 times that one for everyday of the year. So he really wants us to know to not fear. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7. And remember Jesus Loves you and so do I. Until next time God Bless,                                                     Hannah

Happy Easter

Hi all, I just wanted to take a moment to say Happy Easter to you all I hope that y'all have a wonderful Easter with your Families anyway Lets all remember to stop and take time to Thank Jesus for Giving His Life for us but not just that but for raising from the dead three days later so that we can go to Heaven if we trust in him and ask him to come into our hearts and save us. and that is the True Meaning of Easter. So if you don't know him today I pray this Easter you will ask him into your heart he's there waiting to hear from you because he Loves you. the Bible says in John 3:16-For God so Loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should Not Perish but have everlasting life. Wouldn't that be a great way to spend Easter knowing that you're saved. And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here but is risen. Luke 24:5-6. PRAISE GOD

Comfort Zones

hey all,  Today's post is about getting out of our comfort zones. At Church on Sunday this was talked about in my Sunday School class it was also in our Bible study class. About how Elijah had to get out of his comfort zone to hear from God and to receive His blessings. He was hiding in a cave from king Ahab and queen Jezebel because they wanted to kill him. Then later on he defeated the prophets of Baal but soon after hid in the cave again and God spoke to him in a still small voice and calmed his fears. Sometimes our comfort zones keep us from reaching the potential that God desires for us But He is there to help us reach great heights for Him. What is your comfort zone? (just think about it) Elijah's was just preaching God's word but then fear got in his way. When God asked him to do more lets step out of our comfort zone and see where God takes us it will help us and we can help others too. And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said The LOR

"Under Construction"

Hi all, Today's post is somewhat from my devotions this morning but it's more of just a thought. I thought about how we are always Under Construction in our Christian walk and I believe we will be until we get to heaven because there is always something to learn, something God wants to teach us. Because he loves us, he cares to help us Grow Spiritually. Just as the kids song says: He's still working me to make me what I ought to be it took him just a week to make the Moon and the Stars the Sun and the Earth and Jupiter and Mars how loving and Patient he must be he's still working on me. I'm so thankful that no matter where we may go or what we may do he is right there ready to pick us up and restore us when we fall. Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee. Jeremiah 1:5. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. Psal

The Highway of Life

Hi All, I'm so sorry that it's been so long since I last Posted.   Today's post comes from my Devotions it said that we often times don't expect God to bless us or we over look the blessings God wants to give us on our road of life because we are often to busy with everyday life or just caught up within our selves. Of course life will never be free of obstacles or traffic Jams But, God wants to litter our way with Blessings Psalm 68:19 says Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. He cared about us enough to send his only Son to this world to die for our sins but also enough not to just leave us on our own in life until we get to heaven he could have stop with salvation and that would been enough but he chose to walk with us through life. It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High: To shew forth thy loving kindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night. Psalms

Laughing In the Bad Times

Hello all,  I'm sorry that I haven't blogged in 3 days it has been yet another busy week already. anyway today's post is about finding the good in a bad situation. have you ever been somewhere where something happened and you probably shouldn't have been laughing but you couldn't help it I have like when your supposed to be quiet but then something funny happens and you can't stop laughing that always happens to me in places like church. (yes it's ok to laugh in church but it always happens to me when I shouldn't be lol). But Laughter is the best medicine as they say and when we go through bad times if we can find something funny to laugh about it helps us forget about our problems for a while. It also will help pass the time and help us heal. Do you need to feel better inside while your going through your hard time? then I hope you can find laughter in your bad situation. Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said

Hiking, Walking, Strolling

Hi all,  I know that's a strange title for a blog but I will try to make it make sense. My Devotions this morning were about walking worthy of our calling. Do you like to hike or stroll or walk for exercise? I try to walk( but to be honest I hate exercising lol.) Paul compares the Christian life to walking and encourages Christians to walk worthy. With Hiking we have a destination in mind, With Walking we have a purpose to fulfil, and with strolling we have the journey to enjoy. With one step at a time we are to make progress toward the goal of pleasing God. It is not possible to walk two paths God's and ours without tripping and falling so we must walk His path. So what path are you on? and are you Walking Hiking or strolling? are you walking worthy? I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called. Ephesians 4:1. And remember Jesus Loves you and so do I. Until next time God Bless,                                 

Giving Him Glory

Hi Everyone,  First of all in my last post I didn't remember to post a bible verse before I published it so if you want to read the bible verse for that one it's James 2:23. Now for today's post my devotions this morning were about giving God the glory. We might like to cheer for our favorite sports team or we might have been/are a cheerleader in school. (I was in second grade) But the most important cheering we can do is to praise God and give him the glory. In the Good times and Bad. Maybe think of three things everyday that your thankful for here are mine: 1. Salvation 2. family and friends. 3. my Pastor and church family. There is a song that the chorus says: Give Him the Glory for what he's done in your heart He took you from sin and strife and gave a new start he took your broken life and he made you complete so take off those crowns of glory and cast them at the Savior's feet. Thinking of at least those three things everyday will make it easier to clap our